Generally, the more you spend on a sex doll, the more authentic the experience they give. The silicon doll market categorizes sex dolls as high-end, mid-level, and entry-level.
High-end sex dolls
They are pricey but give the most realistic sexual experience. Such realistic sex dolls are handcrafted using quality macro-molecule silicone. The silicone skin is reinforced with platinum to ensure it does not ooze out oils with prolonged use of the love doll.
High-end sex dolls also feature a skeletal structure that is very sturdy. The doll’s joints and limbs are also very strong and enduring. You can have the realistic sex doll in any positioning you want without it wobbling or collapsing.
Everything is close to the real thing- from the doll’s lashes to its lady features. This doll will last you 3 to 5 years before your next upgrade.
Mid-level Sex Dolls
Mid-range realistic sex dolls are also as lifelike as the high-end sex dolls that it is almost impossible to tell them apart. However, on closer inspection, you will notice that the craftsmanship is not as detailed as that of the pricey dolls. Nevertheless, such realistic sex dolls will still give you your money’s worth.
Medium level realistic sex dolls are constructed from either silicon or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). The silicone made sex dolls lack the platinum reinforcement that protects the inside oils from oozing. On the other hand, TPE sex dolls may not ooze out oils but they tend to be stiffer and less realistic.
Mid-range realistic sex dolls succumb to wear and tear faster especially with prolonged use. They will last you 1 to 2 years (on average) before your next upgrade.
Entry-level sex dolls
These are the cheapest realistic sex dolls on the market that also fall into the category of mini sex dolls. A realistic sex doll in this range is no more than 3 feet tall. Nevertheless, it will boast of aesthetic lady features and is lightweight for easy handling. Their petite bodies also allow you to stash them away quickly in case the boys are coming over for super bowl night.